Question; what is English?
Answer; English is a language and now days it is know as in Pakistan as a international language.
Question; what is language?
Answer; language is source of communications. And there are many kinds of languages and English is one of them.
Question; what is grammar?
Answer; grammar tell us the right method of reading, speaking and writing and it gives you an idea of what grammar is about.
• The Capital Letters بڑے حروف
Definition; the capital letters or upper letter or some time just capital.
For example;
A, B, C, D, E, F,G,H,I,J,K,M,N,O, P, Q, R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z.
Question; where can we use them?
Answer; they are used to binging of the sentence or word.
Usages of capital letters.
They can be used with the name of place, person, festivals, holidays, week, months, and with year.
For example;
New York, Mother’s Day, Sunday, Labor Day, Ali, Quetta, Landon, Market, Computer etc.
• Lower Letters چھوٹے حروف
Def; lower letters are also called small litters or biggner letters.
For example;
a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z.
Question; where can we use them?
Answer; we can use the after the capital or big letters.
For example;
Quetta, Book, Ground, Monday, year, Sports, Computer Window Page etc.
Vowels and consonant
Question; what are consonants?
B, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z are called alphabets.
Question; what are vowels?
A, e, I, o, u, are called vowels.
Question; what are Sami vowels?
Answer; y is called Sami vowel.
Determiners are words such as this, those, my, their,
Which. They are special adjectives that are used before
Note; there are following kinds of determiners.
• Demonstrative determiners
• Interrogative determiners
• Possessive determiners
• Demonstrative determiners
The words this, that, these and those are determiners.
They are used to tell which thing or person you mean.
These words are called demonstrative determiners, or
Demonstrative adjectives.
For example;
James lives in this house.
I am keeping these books.
I am selling those books.
• Interrogative determiners
Use the words what, which and whose before nouns
To ask about people or things. These words are called
Interrogative determiners or interrogative adjectives.
For example;
What time is it?
What color is her hair?
What kind of clothes do you like to wear?
Which school do you go to?
Which doll is your favorite?
Which road leads to the zoo?
Which runner is the winner?
Do you know which girl won the prize?
Whose footprints are these?
Whose baby is this?
Whose dog was barking in the middle of the night?
• Possessive Determiners
Definition; The words my, your, his, her, its, our, there are called
Possessive determiners or possessive adjectives. Use
These words before nouns to say who something
Belongs to.
Is this your house?
Robert, your handwriting is difficult to read.
Michael is showing his tortoise to his friends.
My sister lost her way in the city.
The lion is chasing its prey.
I lent Margaret my guitar.
The dentist asked His patient to open her mouth.
کوشک ختم اور یقین دلانے کیلئے استعمال کرتے ہیں۔Assure”
For example;
I assure you that you will must success.
I assure him that he will pass the exam.
میں اَسے یقین دلاتا ہوں کہ وہ امتحان میں ضرور پاس ہوگا۔
کسی کام کے ہونے کو یقینی بنانے کیلئے استعمال کرتے ہیں۔Ensure”
For example;
This hard work ensures that you will must success.
This hard word work ensures that he will pass the exam.
May be/Maybe
Question; what is difference between may be and maybe?
May be; is used for show the possibility.
For example;
He may be late today.
They may be come tomorrow.
it is an adverb that means perhaps.
For example;
Maybe it will stop raining soon.
Maybe they will to Quetta.
Question; what is difference between few and letter?
It is used for countable things.
There are few days left for exam.
There are few boys in the class.
It is used for uncountable things.
For example;
There is little water in the jug.
There is little water in the glass.
Question; what is difference between “like “and “as”?
The sentences of like is usually verb+like+noun/pronoun.
For example;
He speaks like they speak.
She teaches like he teaches.
The sentences of as is usually as+subject+verb+.
For example;
Ali cannot teach as he teaches.
He cannot sing as she sings.
Lets, Let’s
It is used for permit /allow.
For example;
My mom never lets me for watching movie.
He do not lets me smoking.
It is a contraction of lets us. OR it is short form of let us.
For example;
Let us go to playing football.
Let’s swim in pool.
Note; there are two types of question.
• Yes/no question
• W.H question
• Yes/no question
We ask questions yes or no to get the yes or no answer use the do, have, can, or nay helping verbs to ask the question.
For example;
Can you swim? “Yes”
Can baby speak? “No”
• W.H question
To ask for facts use the question words like what, why, when, how, where, who, whom, which, whose.
Note; the helping verbs in W.H question usually come before the subject.
For example;
Where do you live?
What is her name?
Which is you brother?
Note; if W.H question word is the subject of the question then it comes before the verb.
For example;
Who told you?
What made you change your mind?
Be forms
Note; there are total be forms.
Usage of is, are, am
Is | He ,She, It, single name |
Are | You, They, We double name |
Am | I |
Is, are, am, was, and were.
Question; where can we use them?
Answer; is, are and am are used in present tenses.
For example;
She is migrating from here.
They are learning computer.
I am reciting the holy Quran.
Note; was and were are used in past tenses.
Usage OF was, were
Was | He, she, it, I, single name |
were | You, they, we double name |
For example;
He was reading books.
They were learning a lesson.
You were putting it.
What is a Sentence?
A sentence is a group of words that expresses a
Complete thought. A sentence must have a subject
And a verb, but it may or may not have an object.
Kinds of Sentences
There are four kinds of sentences.
• A declarative sentence
• interrogative sentence
• exclamatory sentence
• imperative sentence
• A declarative sentence
Definition; A declarative sentence makes a statement
For example;
The children are swimming.
The telephone rang.
Everyone sat down.
• interrogative sentence
Definition; An interrogative sentence asks a question.
For example;
Where are the twins?
Are you going shopping today?
What is your name?
• exclamatory sentence
Definition; An exclamatory sentence expresses strong emotion.
For example;
The silly girl!
How stupid I am!
What lovely weather!
• imperative sentence
Definition; an imperative sentence gives an order.
For example;
Please sit down.
Tell me the truth.
Speak up!
Come back!
Question; what are articles?
Answer; A, AN the Are called articles.
Note; A, An are called indefinite articles because they do not demons any proper noun.
Basically articles are an adjective and “The” is the short form of the “that” which means in Urdu وہ،وہی
A, An
The complete pronounce of “A” is (Aye) اے
The short form of “A” is (AA) آ
The complete pronounce of “An” is (An) این
The short form of “An” is (Ann) آن
An, A are used with countable plural noun.
They cannot be used with uncountable noun.
For example;
Incorrect | Correct |
A water | A copy |
A milk | A boy |
An air | An egg |
In Urdu they give the meaning (any) کوئی
For example;
An apple (any apple) کوئی سیب
A boy (any boy) کوئی لڑکا
If any words is starting with vowel then we will put “an” before the word and if any word is starting from consonant we will put “A” before words.
اے اور این کے استعمال میں فرق آوازوں کی بنا پر کیا جاتا ہے۔جو لفظ الف کی آواز سے شروع ہوتا ہے تو اس سے قبل (این) استعمال ہو گا باقی الفاظ کے ساتھ (اے) استعمال ہو گامثلا
ایگ کو بولتے ہوئے (الف ) کی آواز نکلتی ہے ۔ An Egg.
بک کو بولتے ہوئے (الف) کی آواز نہیں نکلتی ہے۔ A book.
الف کی آواز ہے۔ An faithful man
الف کی آواز نہیں ہے A university
اگر چہ واول نہیں ہے مگر آواز الف کے ہے۔ “H” An –hour این (آور )
اگرچہ واول نہیں ہے مگر آواز واول کی ہے “ M” An M-A ) این (ایم-اے
If “the” came with consonant the pronounce will be (dha)
For example;
The boy. The man. The computer
It “the” came with vowel words then the pronounce will be (Dhe)
For example;
The Egg. دی ایگ
The apple. دی ایپل
The elephant
اگر کسی خاص چیز پر زور دینے کیلئے استعمال ہو تو تلفظ (دا) ہوگا۔مثلا”The”
He is the person who beats to your brother.
She is the girl who got first position in district.
Note; there are total three persons.
• First person
• Second person
• Third person
• First person ;
Definition; the one who is talking is called first person.
For example; I, WE
• Second Person;
Definition; the one who is listing is called second person.
For example; YOU
• Third Person;
Definition; the whom are we talking about OR who is not present is called third person.
For example; He, She, It, They, Name
Question; what are genders?
Answer; there are four kinds of genders.
• Masculine Gender
• Feminine Gender
• Common Gender
• Neuter Gender
• Masculine Gender;
Definition; masculine gender indicates the any male is called masculine gender.
For example;
Man, boy, lion, father etc.
• Feminine Gender;
Definition; the gender which refer to word any female is called feminine gender.
For example;
Actress, sister, empress mother lady grandmother granddaughter
Headmistress woman mistress niece princess daughter stewardess aunt witch
• Common Gender ;
Definition; the gender which indicates both male and female is called nature gender.
For example;
Dancers scientists police teacher etc.
• Neuter gender
Definition; the gender which indicates neither male nor female is called neuter gender.
For example;
Table computer pen book door watch laptop stone etc.
Parts of speech In Brief
Definition; the basic of components of a language through which we can modify a word in a sentences is called parts of speech.
Note; there are total eight kinds of parts of speech.
• Noun اسم
• Pronoun اسم ضمیر
• Verb فعل
• Adverb فعل متعلق
• Interjection
• Conjunction
• Preposition حروف جار
• Adjective اسم صفت
• Noun اسم
Definition; the name of place, person, an animal or thing is called noun.
For example;
Place; ground, shop, city Quetta etc.
Person; Ali, Aslam, Salman, Sijad etc.
Animal; dog, cat, camel, fox etc
Things; table, book, pen, page door, window etc.
• Pronoun اسم ضمیر
Definition; pronoun is a word which is used instead of any noun.
For example;
Aslam is my friend. He is very intelligent.
نوٹ؛ اب یہاں اسم ضمیر ہے ۔
Pronouns; I, we, you, he, she, it, they, mine, your, our, him, us, them, their, etc called pronouns.
• Verb فعل
Definition; verb is word which show any action is called verb.
For example;
We defeat them. (Here defeat is a verb and it is showing action of defeating)
He plays football. (Here play is a verb and it is showing action of playing)
• Adverb فعل متعلق
Definition; an adverb is a word which is used for qualifying the meaning of verb, adjective, or other adverbs is called adverb.
وہ الفاظ جو کسی اسم صفت یا دوسرے متعلقات فعل کی کسی خصوصیت کو ظاہر کر ے فعل متعلق کہلاتا ہے۔
For example;
He walks slowly. (Here slowly is an adverb)
They are very fast. (Here very is an adverb)
She is running very slowly.
• Interjection
Definition; an interjection is word which is used in a sentences to express some feeling of the mind.
یہ وہ الفاظ ہے جو کسی جذباتی یا ذہنی کیفیت کو ظاہر کرنے کیلئے استعمال ہوتا ہے۔
For example; hurrah! Alas! Wow! Ho! Hum! Etc.
Hurrah! They passed in exam.
Alas! He died. Wow! So beautiful is it?
• Conjunction
Definition; a conjunction is a word which is used for joining one word to another or one another sentences to another sentence.
حروف عطف ایک الفاظ ہے جو ایک الفاظ یا جملے کو دوسرے الفاظ یا جملے سے ملاتا ہے۔
For example; and, but, because, so that, in order to etc.
Ali and his brother have come. (In this sentence and is conjunction)
Work hard so that you may pass the exam. (In this sentence so that is conjunction)
Def; preposition are words which are used to show relationship between noun and pronoun is called preposition.
(Some common preposition)
About | Before | Down | Inside | Past |
Above | Behind | During | Into | Since |
Across | Below | Despite | Near | Through |
After | Beneath | except | Of | Till |
Along | Beside | For | On | Under |
Among | Between | From | Onto | With |
At | Bottom | In | Out | With in |
For example;
What are you thinking about them?
See above examples.
The cat runs across the road.
They will decide after 11 o clock.
He is among the children.
I am at home.
The dust is at the bottom of the glass.
They are in the room.
We are near the bus stop.
He is working since morning.
They are sitting under the tree.
HOME WORK: make fifteen sentences about preposition.
(8) Adjective
Def; adjective is word which tells us about quality, the quantity, the number, the kind, the color of person or thing.
For example;
He is an honest person. (Quality)
They are bed boys. (Quality)
There is some water in the glass. (Quantity)
There are 70 boys in the school. (Numbers)
This is red car. (Color)
These are Indian movies. (Kind)
Alphabets حروف تہجی
Question; what are alphabets.
Answer; there are two kinds of alphabets.
• Capital letters/big letters/upper letters
• Small letters/lower letters/biggner letters
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