

Definition; preposition is a word which relation ship between noun and pronoun and show the palace, position, time or method.
Kinds of preposition;
Simple preposition;
Double preposition

Simple preposition;

Simple prepositions are words like in, on, at, about, over, under, off, of, for, to etc are called simple prepositions.

Double Preposition;

Double preposition are world like in side, in to, out side, next to, with out, ETC are called double 
Simple more common preposition prepositions;
In میں
Up کے اْوپر
Beanth کے نیچے
Before سامنے
Near نزدیک
Through کے درمیان
At پر
Over اْوپر
Closeبہت نزدیک
On off
Above اْوپر
Underکے نیچے  
Acrossکے پار
By کے ذریعے
Under ماتہت  
By کے نزدیک
Back پیچھے
Upon اْوپر
Top چوٹی،سطح
By تک
Behind کے پیچھے
Since سے
Before پہلے
From سے  
For کیلئے

In میں

DefUsed to show that something is inside something then we used in.

For example.

The act is inn the room.

He is in the class room.

Second usage;

Used to show that someone is at home, or is available.

For example;
Is John in?
The Doctor is now in

ON پر

Def; positioned at the upper surface of, touching from above
For example;
The apple on the table.
The book is on the chair.
Second usage;

Def; on can be used for show the date.

For example;

He was born on the 4th of July.
Quaid-e-azam died on 1948.
Question; what is the difference between “in the tree” and “on the tree”?
Answer: in the tree; if the tree is thickly covered with leaves and branches and birds are not visible the we used “in the tree”.
For example;
The bird is sitting in the tree.
The pigon is sitting in the tree.
On the tree”. when a bird or branches are visible the we “on the tree”/
For example;
The birds are sitting on the tree.
Question; what is difference between “in the book” and “on the book”?
Answer; if some thing is written on the little page use on the book.
If something’s is written is written in side the book then we used in the book.

AT پر

Def; it Used to describe where something is, or when saying something's position.
For example;
I am at home.

Let's meet at the park.

Between; کے درمیان

Def; when some one or some thing is between two things then we used between.
For example;
She is between the students.
I am between the trees.
We are between the stones.

Among کے درمیان

Def; when some one or some things are among the two or more then two things or person then we used among.
For example;
The lion is among the tress.
The book is lying among the chairs.

Top کے اْوپر

Def; the highest point of some thing.
For example.
I am at the top of the mountain.
She is at the top of building.
Question; what is the difference between “at the top of” and “on the top of”?

At the top of; we used when some one or some things is laying or standing highest part of 
some thing the we used “at the top of:.
For example;
She is standing at the top of mountain.

On the top of;

It means upper surface of some thing.

For example;

The tank is lying on the top of my room.

Bottom tتہہ

Def; the lowest point of some thing.
For example.
The dust is at the bottom of the jug.
She was staying at the bottom of the mountain.
Before; سے پہلے
For example;
They have gone to Karachi before us.
She cooked before her.
We migrate before them.

Before;کے سامنے

Def; in front of some thing or person.
Fore example;
She stood before him, looking into his eyes.
I am prostrating before Allah.
All people are surrendered before Allah.
Down نیچے
Def; to lower position.
For example.
They are fighting down.
She is beheading him down.
They were playing down.

UP اْوپر

Def; higher position or higher place.
For example;
They were flying kite up.
She was going up.
I will beat him up and he will beat him down.

Over کے اْوپر

Def;it is used to show that an object is higher then another object and they don’t touch the surface each other .
اس کو اْوپر کے معنی کے لیے ایسی جگہوں میں استعمال کرتےے ہیں جہاں نچلی چیز کی سطح اور اوپر کی چیز کے درمیاں فا صلہ ہو۔
For example;
He jumped over the wall.
Be careful; there is an electric wire over you head.

Above اْوپر ،کے اْوپر

Def; it means higher then something.
For example
The cloud the above the mountain.
His shop is above from over shop.
My house is above the stream.

By; کے زریعے

By way, road, passing through
For example;
We will go by train.
She comes here daily by bike.
We sent the things by post.

BY نز دیک

Close, near, next to some one
For example;
She is sitting by me.
His school is situated by our house.
He lives by him.

By تک

It is used for show the time.
For example;
We will come back by 5 O ‘clock.
She will reach here by 2 O’clock.

From; سے

Def; it means starting of a place etc.
For example;
He is coming from London.
She is going from here.
Second usage; ازطرف ،کی طرف سے
For example;
From my father.
From me to you.
Third usage;
It is used for show the time;
For example;
They will work from Monday.
 I will beat him from 2 o’clock till to 6 o’clock.
Fourth usage;
From some one or some body;
For example;
I have learnt English from him.
She has took money from her brother

With کے ساتھ

1.    With is used to show the other people or things present when something happened.
I went to school with my brother.
She is working with him.
2.    With is used to describe something added to something else.
The cat has a collar with a bell on it.
3.    With is used to show what thing is used to do something.
He hit the nail with a hammer.
We kill him with gun.
She beats him with stick.

Near نزدیک

At a short distance away from somebody/something
For examples;
I am near you.
Go and sit nearer (to) the fire.
Second usage;
Near (doing) something close to a particular state.
She was near to tears (= almost crying).
We came near to being killed.

Close بہت ہی نزدیک

Very near, near relative (dear friend etc)
For example;
He is my close teacher.
He is his close friend.
They are very close.وہ ایک دوسرے کی بہت قریب ہیں۔

Under کے نیچے

Def; in, to or through a position that is below something
Have you looked under the bed?
She placed the ladder under (= just lower than) the window.
The dog squeezed under the gate and ran into the road.
Second usage;
Below the surface of something; covered by something
For example;
The boat lay under several feet of water.
The book is lying under the table.
Third usage;
Less than; younger than.
For example;
An annual income of under £10000.
It took us under an hour.
Nobody under 18 is allowed to buy alcohol.

Under ماتہت

Def; it is used for grade.
For example;
Teacher is under is then head master.
An A.C is under then D.C.

Back پیچھے

Def; it means opposite of side of some one or some thing.
For example;
Answers are at the back of the book.جوابات کتاب کے پیچھے ہیں۔
There is small hotel at the back of my shop.
He sits in the back of the room.

Behind کے پیچھے

Def; at the back of some one or some thing.
For example.
There is a beautiful garden behind the our house.
He is painting behind the wall.
We sit behind the tree.

For کیلئے

For example;
He will bring book for you.
She is cooking food for me.
This book for you.
Second usage;
To show purpose مقصد ظاہر کرنے کیلئے
For example;
She ahs come for computer.
We have come for him.
What was he killed for?

For سے

Def; it is used of period of time.
For example;
I have been working for two days.
She has been migrating for one week

Since; سے

Def ; (used with the present perfect or past perfect tense) from a time in the past until a later past time, or until now.
For example;
I have been working since morning.
I haven't eaten since breakfast.
That was years ago. I've changed jobs since then.
Question; what is the difference between since and for?
Since; it is used for point of the time.
For example;
She has been working since morning.
They had been beating him since 2014.
For; it is used of period of time.
For example;
I have been working for two days.
She has been migrating for one week.

Beneath کے نیچے \

Def;when some thing is touching the surface from both side upper and lower side then we used beneath.
For example;
The gun is beneath my pillow.
The pen in beneath the book.
The money is beneath the carpet.

Through کے درمیان

Def; see, hear, etc. through something to see, hear, etc. something from the other side of an object or a substance
For example;
I couldn't hear their conversation through the wall.
He could just make out three people through the mist.

Across; کے پار

Def; from one side to the other side
For example;
It’s too wide. We can't swim across.
The yard measures about 50 feet across.
Second usage;
Def; across from opposite
For example;
There's a school just across from our house.
There is used to be swimming pull across from his shop.

Below; کے نیچے

Def; a lower level or position than somebody/something.
For example;
He dived below the surface of the water.
Please do not write below this line.
Second usage;
Def; lower amount or standard than somebody/something.
For example;
The temperatures remained below freezing all day.
Her work was well below average for the class.
Third usage;
Def; a lower rank or of less importance than somebody/something.
For example;
A police sergeant is below an inspector.
Teacher is below is then head master.
An A.C is below then D.C.

Upon; کے اْوپر

Def; it can be used in the place of on.
For example;
The marker in upon/on the table.
The book is upon/on the chair.
Second usage;
Def; it is used to say the some thing is coming or comes over another thing or person.
For example;
She left all responsibility upon us.

Along کے کنارے

Def; · from one end to or towards the other end of something.
For example;
They walked slowly along the road.
I looked along the shelves for the book I needed.
Second usage; 
 In a line that follows the side of something long.
Houses had been built along both sides of the river.
Third usage; 
At a particular point on or beside something long.
You'll find his office just along the corridor.


Def; Double preposition are world like in side, in to, out side, next to, with out, ETC are called double preposition.
Some more common double prepositions;
In to
With out
With in
Out side
Under neath 
Due to
Instead of
In spite of
Next to

Into کے اندر

Def; when some one or some thing is entering in the boundary then we used in to.
For example;
The teacher in coming in to the class.
We are entering in to the office.
She is coming in to house.

Out side;کے باہر 

Def; indicates: out.
For example;
It will soon be dark outside
You can play outside after lunch
Inside کے اندر

Def; on or to the inner part of something/somebody; within something/somebody.
For example.
Go inside the house.
They are working inside,
Inside the box was a gold watch.

Next to کے ساتھ

Def; in or into a position right beside somebody/something.
For example;
We sat next to each other.
She is sitting next to her mother.
They are working next to him.

With out; کے بغیر

Def; it is used to say that you don't have something or that something isn't in a place.
For example;
I went all the way to school without my books.
It's hard to make a word without a, e, i, o, or u.
The picture's OK, but the room looks better without it.
Under neath;کے نیچے

Def; when some thing is touching the surface from both side upper and lower side then we used beneath.
For example;
The pen is under neath the carpet.
The gun is under neath my pillow.
The pen is under neath the pages.

Instead of;

Def; in the place of somebody/something.
For example;
We just had soup instead of a full meal.
Now I can walk to work instead of going by car.

With in ;کے اندر

Def; before the end of a period of time.
For example;
She will work with in five days.
They will go from there with in one week.

Due to;

Def; because of something
For example;
He almost died due to lack of oxygen.
In spite of; کی وجہ سے
For example;
In spite of feeling tired, we decided to go out.
A sweet smile in spite of all her problems.



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