Tuesday, 12 April 2016

English Determiners

Determiners;Determiners are words such as this, those, my, their,Which. They are special adjectives that are used beforeNouns.Note; there are following kinds of determiners.•                     Demonstrative determiners •                    ...

Friday, 1 April 2016

Degrees OF Adjective

                          DegreesNote; there are three kinds of degrees.Positive degreeComparative degreeSuperlative degree(1)           Positive degree;Definition; it degree show the good or bed quality of someone or some things.(2)        ...

Top opposite Words

Opposite WordsThere are some important opposite words which are used every day English conversation you need to know them. Word Opposite Rich Poor Full Empty Fat Thin Beautiful Ugly Thick Thin Cheap Expensive Strong Weak Long Short Old Young Tall Short Life Death Friend Enemy ...

Saturday, 26 March 2016

Top 10 Proverbs

Top 10 Proverbs You need to know….(1)         A wise son brings joy to his father,    but a foolish son brings grief to his mother.(2)         Ill-gotten treasures have no lasting value,    but righteousness delivers from death.(3)        ...

W.H Words

W.H wordsDefinition;Which, where, why, when, who, whose, whom, what and how are called W.H words.Which;Definition; it is a W.H words it is used for ask which person or thing from a definite and limited number/set/group of persons or things.For example;Which is your friend the one who is in black clothes.Which of us has been selected.Which is more expensive copper or gold.WhereDefinition;It...