Saturday, 26 March 2016

W.H Words

W.H words
Which, where, why, when, who, whose, whom, what and how are called W.H words.
Definition; it is a W.H words it is used for ask which person or thing from a definite and limited number/set/group of persons or things.
For example;
Which is your friend the one who is in black clothes.
Which of us has been selected.
Which is more expensive copper or gold.

It is a W.H word and it is used for ask about nay place.
For example;
Where are you going?
Where am I wrong in this sentence?
Where was she?
It is W.H word and used for ask about any reason.
For example;
Why did you go there?
Why are they fighting?
Why does he eat?
Definition; it is a W.H word and it is used for ask about any time.
For example;
When did you come?
When will you go?
Definition; it is a W. H word and it can be used as a subject and as an object. And it is used for ask about person only.
Note; it can be used as an interrogative pronoun and as a relative pronoun.
For example;
The leader, who are protesting are corrupt.
The boy, who is weeping is my brother.
Who as a subject
Who as an object
Who killed him?
Who did he kill?
Who broke it?
Who did break it?
Who cut this tree?
Who did cut this tree?
Definition; it is a W.H word and it is the possessive case of who.
For example;
Whose car is it?
Whose son are you?
Whose pen is it?
Definition; it is the W.H word and it is the objective case of who and some time it is used as interrogative pronoun and some themes as relative pronoun.
For example;
Whom did you want to meet?
Withy whom are they going?
The boy at whom were we laughing was his brother.
Definition; it is a W.H Word and used for ask any question from someone about thing or place.
For example;
What are you making?
What are you doing?
What is date today?
Definition; it is a W.H word and it is used for ask about the manner or happing something or state number of quantity or some things.
For example;
How did you go there?
How is mother now?
Tell me how is he giving his test?

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