Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Future Perfect Continuous Tens

Future Perfect Continuous tens فعل مستقبل مکمل جاری
Identification; پہچان؛جب اردو فقروں کے آخر میں تارہاہوگا،تیرہی ہوگی،تے رہیں ہوگےتو یہ فعل مستقبل زمانہ کیلاتا ہے۔
Verb; 1st of the verb with ing
Helping verbs: will have been /shell have been
Simple Sentences سادہ جملے
Formula; sub+H.V+1st of the verb with ing+object+since/for+time+.
For example;

I will have been working since 2012.
میں صبح سے کام کرتا رہا ہوگا۔
They will have been washing their clothes for two days.
وہ دودنوں سے آن کے کپڑے دھوتے رہے ہوں گے۔
It will have been raining since morning.
صبح سے بارش ہوتی رہی ہو گی۔
We will have been acting on rules since 2014.

She will have been cooking food since morning.

Ali will have been attacking on enemies for 3days.

Negative sentences; منفی جملے
Formula; sub +will/shell +not have been+1st V with ing+ object+since/for+time+.
For example;

I will not have been taking tea since morning.
میں صبح سے چائے نہیں پیتا رہا ہوگا۔
You will not have been ironing clothes since last Monday.
آپ پچھلے ہفتے سے کپڑے نہیں دھو تے رہے ہون گے۔
She will not have been answering him for one week.
وہ اْسے ایک ہفتے سے جواب نہیں دیتی رہی ہو گی۔
She will not have been studying since last night.

I will not have been abusing him for three weeks.

It will not have been breezing for two days.

Interrogative Sentences; سوالیہ جملے
Formula; will/shell+sub+have been+1st V with ing+ object+since/for+time+?
For example;
Will he have been working for two days?
کیا وہ دودنوں سے کام کرتی رہی ہوگی؟
Will you have been beating him since morning?
کیا آپ صبح سے اْسےمارتے رہے ہوں گے؟
Will it have been breezing for two days?
کیا دودنوں سے بارش ہوتی رہی ہوگی؟
Will you have been going back since morning?

Will she have been abashing him for two days?

Will robber have been abducting him since 2012?

Formal sentences ادبی جملے
Formula; will/shell+sub+not+have been+1st V with ing+ object+since/for+time+?
For example;
Will you not have been accepting the Islam for one month?
کیا آپ ایک مہینے سے اسلام قبول نہیں کرتے رہےہوں گے؟
Will she not have been abominating since 2013?
کیا وہ2013سے پرہیز نہیں کرتی رہی ہوگی؟
Will she not have been adding money since last week?
کیا وہ پچھلے ہفتے سے پیسے جمع نہیں کرتی رہی ہوگی؟
Will you not have been allotting the good for 20 days?

Will he not have been alluding him sine morning.

Will we not have been appreciating since last Friday?

In formal Sentences غیر ادبی جملے
Formula; will/shell+not+sub+have been+1st V with ing+object ++since/for+time+?
For example;
Will not you have been arranging since morning?
کیا آپ صبح سے ترتیب نہیں دیتے رہے ہوں گے؟
Will not she have been attainting her promise for two days?
کیا وہ دودنوں سے اپنا وعدہ پورا نہیں کرتی رہی ہوگی؟
Will not he have been aromatizing his clothes since last Eid?
کیا وہ پچھلی عید سے اپنے کپڑےکوخوش بو نہیں کرتارہا ہوگا؟
Will not he have been auctioning his goods since morning?
کیا وہ صبح سے اپنا سامان نیلام نہیں کرتا رہا ہوگا؟
Will not you have been attainting hem for five days?

Will not we have been ascertaining for three days?

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