Any structure that typically consist of a subject and a verb.
Note; it has two kinds.
(1) Dependent clause
(2) Independent Clause
1: Independent or principle clauses:-
They can stand alone with full meaning.
F.Ex:- The boy was running away.
Dependent clauses:-
They are weak and depend on independent clauses to Conway full meaning.
Dependent clausal way contain a subject and a verb but it cannot stand by itself.
F:exm:- I do not know that he is ill.
Dependent clauses further divided in to categories.
1: Co ordinate clause:-Clauses joined by words like. And, but, for, not, or, yet, so,
2: sub-ordinative clause:- joined the words like because, since, after, although, when, if, that, who, which, even, though,
F: exm: - à while you were sleeping that you wanted.
Sub-ordinative clause further divided in to three types.
1: Noun 2: Adjective 3: Adverb.
1: Noun Clause:-A noun clauses is subordinate clause does the work of noun that as subject object or complement it begins with relative pronoun
Such asà whatever he said is not true (sub)
I do not know that he has passed (obj)
Life is what you make it. (Complement)
2: Adjective clauses:-An adjective clause is a sub-ordinate clause that modifies noun they usually begin with selective pronoun “that, which who whom”
Has a subject and predicate and does the work of an adjective.
3: Adverb clauses:-Has a subject and predicate and does the work of an adverb.
They rested at sunset. Whenever he comes to me I help him.
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